Fruhter Marta

Transcript of the record of the interrogation of Fruhter Marta

Created on August 8, 1942

in the Special Police Department U. g. B.


A    R  E  C  O  R  D


on the hearing of Fruhter Marta, a private clerk from Belgrade, with an apartment in Dositejeva ul. no. 17, at Evgenija Polzović.


                My name is Marta Fruhter, I was born on September 10, 1925, in Vršac, father Dezider and mother Teresa, born. Dajch, Jewish, Mosesian religion, unmarried, not convicted, unpunished by the police. Physically and mentally healthy.


                After the end of the war between Germany and Yugoslavia, I lived legally in Belgrade until December last year, i.e. as long as the authorities did not start arresting Jewish and Jewish children, and sent them to concentration camps. Then I started to hide and spent the night in various buildings, mostly on the construction of the VI men's gymnasium, Near the City Hospital at Bulbulder. At that time, I did not have any personal documents, since I destroyed all my documents that I did not have to identify and arrest with them. Until I went into illegalness, I was employed for a shorter time in the hollow glass factory owned by Jewish Alexander Rosenberg, in Gorničevskaya ul. no. 5, and at that time she was under the administration of the commissariat. In this factory, I met Rosenberg's daughters Anita and Erna, but at that time I had no close contact with them.

During April of this year, I came to the idea to move to the Catholic faith, either by marriage or by direct conversion, and for that purpose, I went to the parish office of the Catholic Church in Cukarica, where I applied to the parish priest Andrej Tumpej. However, the bishop did not want to poke me, saying that there are now regulations that prohibit it. Since at that time I was without any luck for life, and in addition, I asked the parish priest to help me in any way, and he invited me to visit him from time to time, and to inform me if he was able to It helps me. During one visit, the parish priest gave me 100 dinars in the name of the aid, and he told me that he would take some steps and get me a legitimation on a Christian name, so he asked me for a photo I gave him. When the parish priest visited me again, he gave me a refugee ID issued by the Srebrenica Prison in Kruševac in the name of Stojanović Jelica, a private clerk, born on September 10, 1925, in Visegrad, whose name and data I invented also on a visit to the parish. Since with this refugee legitimation I was unable to get a registration list and to permanently reside in Belgrade, I traveled to Zabrezje one day without a road trip and there

In the Municipal Administration, I stated that during the journey I lost the travel announcement, so I asked that the municipal administration issue my travel announcement. In the municipal administration they issued me a publication based on a refugee ID and when I returned to Belgrade I applied in the VIII quarter with my stay in Moscow Street. no. 19 and in the quarter I was granted a stay of 15 days with that, to find myself a job and to please a permanent residence permit. I was employed in the paint shop of Zoran Sijačić in Karađorđeva ul. no. 42, and on the basis of these documents, I received a personal ID card under no. 217323 in the name of Jelica Stojanović and in the Central Application for a permanent residence permit. After obtaining these documents, I destroyed the fake refugee ID and travel announcement from Zabrežje.

About two weeks before I first went to the priest Tumpe, I met on the street with the aforementioned Anita Rosenberg and in the conversation, we were resolved what we should do to get proper documents. When I came to the idea of turning to the priest for the transition to the Catholic faith, Anita joined her, and together we went to the parish priest, You and Anita received a refugee ID from the parish priest, when I, Branka Marković.

Since Anita and I received bogus IDs, Anita made me once in touch with her sister Erna, who was begging me to obtain a fake document. Since I was afraid that Pastor Tumpej would not want to do these services to me, I addressed Radovic Milan, a lawyer from Belgrade, who was employed in a law office in France, ul. no. 17, whom I know from before, because he was my lawyer in a court suit against my ex. employer. Radovic agreed to my long exhortation that Erna obtained an ID card and asked for a photo of him, T.j. named last name and year of birth. I brought him a photo with the name "Vera Mihailovic" to which the name Erna was supposed to receive a false identity card and Radovic gave me a personal card with the above-mentioned false name two or three days later. On that occasion, there was no talk between Radovic and me about how much he asked for the service he did, but I later handed him over 3000 dinars, because in the meantime I sold my watch and ring.

Whether the supporter Tumpej and the trainee Radovic have yet to obtain fake IDs, I do not know. In addition, I claim that Tumpej, for the refugee IDs obtained, did not ask for any reward, and neither did we give him anything to him.

The announcement for the trip, which was found during my personal search, was issued by the Commissariat of the Steam Police, since I was employed in the immediate vicinity of the Commissariat, in the squares or in Šijačić, so I met with the writer Aleksandar Nikolić and the official Đermanov which I was supposed to take part in a trip to Zabrezje just before my arrest.

That's all I have to say about myself about my work from the day I went into illegality to arrest. By adding, I was not organized in any illegal organization, nor did I in any way cooperate with the Communists, nor do I know anything about communist work in Belgrade.


The examination is read to me and my words are verbatim written.

Signature: Fruhter Marta


Saluted and certified:

Seal: On the orders of the Head of the Special Police Department

Head IV of the department - shelves. Commissioner

Signature: Bećarević

Letter of border police regarding the case of Fruhter Marta




Border and steamboat police

Received September 10, 1942

Pov. 58




                Concerning the act of this Department of Pov ,. 11- бр. 1884 of September 2 this year, and on the occasion of the issued announcement for the trip FRUHTER Marti, a Jew who was hiding under the fake name "STOJANOVIC Jelica" annexed to the / 2-honor, Jevtić Vidosava, the deputy police, agents and Šijačić Zoran, square. ovd., with a request for jurisdiction.

                At xxxx the same time I have the honor to report to the Department that Mr. Jevtic's allegations are true and true and that, in my opinion, there is not much guilt to him. In the postal g. I do not really know the Jevtic, so I'm honored to have Mr. The Jevtic, in this case, will spare every sentence.

                Attachment: two hearings



                special police department



                II No. 2080-IV

                11-IX 1942

Seal: Commander Border and paroch. police,

Signature: Unreadable

Signature: Head of Section IV, Unreadable

The project is supported by

The project was realized with funds from the first cycle of program funding in the field of science, culture and education of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia related to the Holocaust in Serbia, supported by the funds of the Republic of Serbia on the basis of the Law on Removing the Consequences of the Dispossession of the Property of the Holocaust victims without living legal successors. Additional funds were obtained through the kind support of the Westbury group. Technology partner: GDI Solutions d.o.o.

Contact: Center for Holocaust Research and Education - CHRE, tel: +38163247856, e-mail: [email protected] web: