
About us

Center for Holocaust Research and Education (CHRE) Founded in late 2014, the center is seeking to actively contribute to the factual interpretation of the Holocaust in Serbia as well as the ways its legacy still influences society in Serbia and the region. The center aims to serve as the platform for independent research of historical sources, encompassing the entire scope of factors influencing the victims’ communities, the German occupation, Serbian state, and society, in all their defining aspects – economy, military, ideological, religious and cultural. We believe that our primary topics – the killing sites, forced labor, the pre-war de-legitimization of Jewish and Roma communities, collaborationist government participation in Holocaust, can only become effective educational content, in a way that is relevant for the formation and strengthening of a democratic, civil society, in an engaging, informed, and open environment.


On the site of the project Until the last one. Quisling authorities and the Holocaust victims in occupied Serbia you can access a collection of primary historical resources systematized for use in research and education. The site contains: A database of persons brought in for questioning on the grounds of the Jewish origin or connected to the Jews, a selection of records of interrogations and the related documents of the special police and other parts of the collaborative and occupying apparatus, as well as the map of the city of Belgrade to the victims' locations mentioned in the records. An interactive map offers the possibility of a comparative analysis of the city's pre-war and modern city planes, airborne photographs of the war period and satellite images. This geo-information system, on the platform of technology partner GDI Solutions d.o.o., is the basis for further work on the geographical display of the history of the Jewish community before the war, the phase of its destruction during the Holocaust, and post-war reconstruction and status of sites of historical importance. The "Map of the living" is constantly being updated, and CHRE is calling upon the of the victims' descendants and communities, historians and archives to contribute the documents containing the names and addresses of residence and/or hiding of victims and survivors. Project site >>>

"Porajmos in Serbia - mapping the past, changing the present" is a project on the legacy of genocide committed against the Roma in Serbia during the occupation and the collaborationist government of Milan Nedić. The project goal is the establishment of the basic facts on the Porajmos in Serbia, with distribution adapted to all segments of the education system, in Roma and Serbian, with online content available in English as well. >>> 

The project Producers, Consumers and Consequences of Forced Labour - Serbia 1941 - 1944, implemented by the Centre for Holocaust Research and Education, Belgrade and the Humboldt-University, Berlin, and funded by the Foundation Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft (EVZ), Berlin, aims to shed light on the most important aspects of Forced Labour in Serbia during the period 1941-1944, when Serbia was both the supplier and the consumer of forced labour. The project team is striving to find the relevant points of causality and references connecting the project subject and the contemporary socio-economic situation in Serbia.  >>>  

The onset of the Holocaust in Serbia and Croatia is not a sufficiently researched period. Its causes and methods of implementation demand additional understanding and historical explanation, but also, the common need to be reminded of the tragedies in order to prevent their repetition. By the acquiring the information and spreading the consciousness and knowledge on the importance of the preservation of historical memory, we intend to contribute to wider Holocaust education, as well as the acknowledgment and education on the genocide of the Roma >>>  


Džanes ko sem? (Do you know who I am?) Educational materials about the genocide against the Roma during World War II and Antigypsyism in Serbia - has been published in English and is available for download here  The print edition of the publication has been published in Serbian, with Roma also available. The publication is part of the project "Porajmos in Serbia - mapping the past, changing the present", a project on the legacy of genocide committed against the Roma in Serbia during the occupation and the collaborationist government of Milan Nedić. The project goal is the establishment of the basic facts on the Porajmos in Serbia, with distribution adapted to all segments of the education system, in Roma and Serbian, with online content available in English as well. >>> 


Forced Labour in Serbia
Producers, Consumers, and Consequences of Forced Labour 1941-1944.

is a historiographic publication on forced labour in Serbia during the World War Two produced by CHRE in cooperation with the Humboldt University Berlin, and kindly supported by the "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future“ Foundation. This collection presents papers by seven authors on subjects ranging from the role of forced labour in the Holocaust, the aspects of forced labour in occupying National-socialist and Serbian collaborationist economy, the export of forced labourers to the Reich and occupied Norway, through the local use of labour, to the post-war return of labourers to Yugoslavia. Available in print in Serbian and German, web edition in English. >>>

Book launch

Thursday, September 27th 2018, 7pm

Forced Labour in Serbia

Producers, Consumers, and Consequences of Forced Labour 1941–1944

At the:

Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre

Britzer Str. 5 I 12439 Berlin I www.ns-zwangsarbeit.de

Opening hours: Tue-Su 10am-6pm, Thu 10am-8pm

Welcoming speech: Corinna Jentzsch (Berlin)

Foundation Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft

Project presentation: Nikola Radić (Belgrade)

Center for Holocaust Research and Education

Book presentation: Sanela Schmid Ph.D. (Nürnberg)

Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Lecture: Milovan Pisarri (Belgrade)

Historian, Centre for Applied History

Lecture: Thomas Porena (Berlin)

Historian, PhD-student at Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Chair: Andrea Genest PhD

Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre

The anthology analyses Nazi forced labour in occupied Ser­bia as well as the forced labour of Serbs in Germany and in oc­cupied Europe.

The book is part of a project of the Center for Holocaust Rese­arch and Education in Belgrade in cooperation with the Hum­boldt-Universität Berlin. It is funded by the Foundation Erinne­rung, Verantwortung und Zukunft.

The event will be simultaneously translated into German and English.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day


In 2005, the UN General Assembly has adopted the resolution on the International Holocaust Remembrance day. The chosen date of remembering millions of victims perished in the Holocaust during the Second World War, was the 27th of January, the day when Soviet army had liberated Auschwitz in 1945. Some 7500 survivors that Nazis had left behind, were freed then. Even as all official commemorative events in Serbia were rescheduled for 26th, CHRE invites you to gather at the site of the memorial plaque on January 27th, at 13h.

Donnerstag, 15. März 2018, 9.30 Uhr bis 17.30 Uhr
Forced Labor, Serbia and Germany 1941-1945

Zwangsarbeit in der Kupfermine Bor in Serbien. Bildnachweis: Narodna biblioteka Bor, Serbien

Das von der Stiftung EVZ geförderte Projekt "Forced Labor, Serbia and Germany 1941-1945" untersucht die Rolle Serbiens als einem Ort von NS-Zwangsarbeit. Das zu dieser Zeit vom Deutschen Reich besetzte Land lieferte gleichzeitig auch Arbeiter für das Deutsche Reich. Im Workshop wird die Verbindung zwischen Serbien und Deutschland am Beispiel von Nürnberg und seiner Umgebung hergestellt. Zunächst werden die Anwerbungen von Arbeitern in Serbien, das Lager Semlin sowie die Zwangsarbeit in der Kupfermine Bor thematisiert. Im Anschluss wird der Fokus auf die zivilen (serbischen) Zwangsarbeiter und die Kriegsgefangenen in Nürnberg sowie die serbischen Gefangenen und Zwangsarbeiter in dem Konzentrationslager Flossenbürg und dessen Außenlager Hersbruck gelegt.

Die Veranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter
[email protected]

Forschungsprojekt "Kriegsgefangene in Nürnberg"